
It was chilly, but felt hot because of beers, on the way back home through Rinshi-no-mori woods. It was past 1 midnight.

I came back.

It was the kind of Hayao's "Spirited Away" experience.

Past 9, along Waseda street in Takadanobaba, I walked to the west out of the station. For the live house called HotHouse. It is said to be the smallest Jazz live house in the world.

It was full of students in the street. They seemed just finished their after school, and hanging around here and there. The live house was supposed to be further west.

The building is not hard to be found, though no sign of it on the surface. Thanks to the museum on the other side of the street.

I looked down downstairs. Little old signs on the wall.

Stepped down those stairs, 5 stepps down, and turned around, then another 5 steps, turned around, like that down to the live house.

The stairs would have been something similar to the tunnel in "Spirited Away", which connects this world to the other world.

Anyway, I came back, with the feeling that I will visit again, HotHouse in this chilly city.