

02:47 4.5 It wasn't all romantic. 5.5 2.5 I didn't have a dorm room, 3 3 so I slept on the floor in friends' rooms, 6.5 3 I returned coke bottles for the 5?? deposits to buy food with, 6.5 2.5 and I would walk the 7 miles across town every…

スティーブジョブスのスピーチで見る英語の音楽的構成 解析1

3つの話の一つ目前半。 00:38 3 The first story 4.5 3 is about connecting the dots. 1(1H->1)4 I dropped out of Reed College 5 3 after the first 6 months, 2.5(7->2.5) 2 but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I…